Kasur city of Punjab, province of Pakistan
Short brief history of Kasur city of Punjab (Pakistan)
Kasur is the capital of Kasur district Punjab province of Pakistan. Bordered to the north by Lahore, India to the south and east, the city is adjacent to the border of Ganda Singh Wala, a border with its own flag-lowering ceremony sinilar to that of Wagah but fat more intimate and less jingoistic. Kasur is also the burial place of the legendary Sufi Poet Bulleh Shah.
The first record of a human settlement near present-day Kasur is from approximately 2,000 years ago, although the name of the original settlement remains unknown. The settlement was abandoned and eventually was re-established by seven Pashtun tribes during the Mughal era, who are known to have built several forts, or "qasar" in Persian, in the area. The plural of the Persian word "Qasar" is "Qasur," which closely approximates the modern spelling of the town. Hindu mythology instead opines that the ancient city was founded 7,100 years ago,
The original settlement was destroyed in 553 A.D. after being ravaged by Khaweshgan. In 997 CE, The savager Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi, took over the Ghaznavid dynasty empire established by his father, Sultan Sebuktegin, In 1005 he savaged the Shahis in Kabul in 1005, and followed it by the destroying northern Punjab region around modern-day Kasure. The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire and Afghan empires later ruled the Kasur region. Under their rule, the city of Kasur was established by seven tribes of Pashtuns who had migrated to the region, and built several small forts in the area. During this time, the Punjab region became predominantly Muslim due to missionary Sufi saints. Under Mughal rule, the city flourished and was notable for commerce and trade, and became home of the legendary Sufi saint and celebrated poet, Bulleh Shah, who is buried in a large shrine in the city.

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