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Thursday 30 January 2014

Dera Murad Jamali district of Balochistan province of Pakistan

Dera Murad Jamali district of Balochistan province of Pakistan
Short brief history of  Dera Murad Jamali district of  Balochistan (Pakistan)

          Dera Murad Jamali is a city located in Nasirabad district in Balochistan, Pakistan.
           The word Dera means abode or settlement in Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi and Sraiki and many other languages. Dera Murad Jamali thus means the settlement or city of Murad Jamali.. The city is named after the assassinated Pakistani leader Mir Murad Jamali.
Mir Muhammad Murad Jamali was one of the leading political personalities of the Pakistan Muslim League and was a close ally of Muhammad Ali Jinnah for the independence of Pakistan and the welfare of Balochistan province.

Chaghi district of Balochistan province of Pakistan

Chaghi district of Balochistan province of Pakistan

Short brief history of Chaghi district of Balochistan province of Pakistan

          Chaghi District is the largest district of Pakistan and is located on the north west corner of Balochistan, Pakistan.Chaghi District was created in 1896. Nushki was the only sub division of the district with two tehsils, Nushki and Dalbandin Naukundi sub tehsil was upgraded to tehsil in 1950. Chagai district was attached to Kalat district in 1957 but was detached after two years.   The Assistant Political Agent Nushki remained sub-Divisional Magistrate of Nushki Sub Division till September 1989 when an independent post of Additional Political Agent was created for the district. Very little is known about the ancient history of Chagai.1998 Pakistan conducted their first ever nuclear weapons test, under Nawaz Sharif premiership, at Ras Koh Hills Chagai DistrictThe earliest monuments are the ruins of terraced embankments. These are found at the foot of the Ras Koh hills; they are ascribed to the fire-worshippers, who are said to have been the inhabitants of this area more than two thousand years ago.   These are also sometimes attributed to the Mughalas and in any case indicate the presence of a richer civilisation than is now found among the Baloch and Brahui inhabitants of the district

Pashin district of Balochistan province of Pakistan

Pashin district of Balochistan province of Pakistan
Short brief history of Pashin district of Balochistan province of Pakistan
           Pishin  os a distirct of Balochistan province of Pakistan.Up to the middle of the 18th century, when Quetta finally passed into the hands of Brahvi rulers, the history of Pishin is identical with the province of Kandahar. The earliest mention of Pishin is in the avestic writing in which Pishinorha is described as a valley in an elevated part of the country and containing a barren level plain.
            Little is known of the history of Quetta Pishin up to the 13th century AD It was in 1221 that Kandahar and its dependencies passed into the hands of the Mughals. During the first half of the 15th century, Kandahar was under the rule of the Timurs’ successors and it was probably at the beginning of this century that the Tarins, who now hold Pishin, emigrated from their original homes in the Takht-i-Sulaiman and made their way into Pishin.
            Between 1530 and 1545 the province of Kandahar was in the possession of Mirza Kamran the brother of the Emperor Humayun. After his death in 1556, Kandahar and its dependencies were restored to the Safavid kings of Persia and they remained under Persia until 1595, when they were again acquired by the Mughals. It is mentioned in Ain-i-Akbari that Shal and Pushang were included in the eastern division of the Kandhar Sarkar. In 1622 Kandahar was again brought under the Safavid dynasty and with the exception of a short period remained under Persia. The Safavid Monarch Shah Abbas gained possession of Kandhar in 1622. He conferred the government of Pishin and tribal dependencies upon Sher Khan the Tarin.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Zhob district of Balochistan province of Pakistan

Zhob district of Balochistan province of Pakistan
Zhob district of Balochistan province of Pakistan

                Zhob  is a district of Balochistan province of Pakistan.
              A Chinese pilgrim, Xuanzang, who visited the region in 629 AD mentioned Pashtuns living in Zhob. He also pointed out Sardar Shams uddin as the bravest man ever known to him. Sardar Shams Uddin's companion Mohammad Siddiq is also known as (Takra Sarai) of the region.
        Until the Zhob Valley expedition of 1884 the area was practically unknown to Europeans, and in 1889 the Zhob Valley and Gomal Pass were taken under the control of the British Government. In December 1889 the town of Zhob, then known as Apozai, was occupied by the British and named Fort Sandeman after Sir Robert Sandeman.
           The district of Zhob was formed in 1890, with Fort Sandeman as the capital. The population was 3552, according to the 1901 census of India. The military garrison included a native cavalry and a native infantry regiment. It was also the headquarters of the Zhob Levy Corps. In 1894 a supply of water from the Saliaza valley was established, allowing irrigation and planting of fruits and trees and providing drinking water. 

Loralai district of Balochistan (Pakistan)

Loralai district of Balochistan province of Pakistan
Short brief history of Loralai district of Balochistan (Pakistan)

             Loralai is a district in the centre of Balochistan province of Pakistan.
             In 1545 Duki, a dependency of the Kandahar province, was conferred upon Mir Sayyid Ali by the Mughal Emperor Humayun. The province of Kandahar continued under Mughals until the year 1559 when it passed into the hands of the Safavids Kings of Persia and remained under their control until 1595. In 1595 it was recaptured by Emperor Akbar the Great, during Akbar's reign the territory of Duki which was generally garrisoned, formed an eastern dependency of the Kandahar Province and provided a contingent of 500 horses and 1000 soldiers. In 1622 Kandahar again passed under the Safavids.
             Mir Wais Ghilzai or Khilji established Ghilzai/Khilji power in Kandahar around 1709. After 30 years of supremacy the Ghilzai/Khilji power gave way to Nadir Shah who captured after a severe struggle in 1737. However in 1747 Nadir Shah was assassinated and Ahmad Shah Durani took over the reign and Government. The Durranis were followed in about 1826 by the Barakzai under Dost Mohammad Khan. Almost the whole of Loralai District remained under this dynasty till 1879, in 1879 Duki and the Thal Chotiali country with other parts of Balochistan passed into the hands of the British.

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