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Monday 27 January 2014

Ghotki district of Sindh province of Pakistan

Ghotki district of Sindh province of Pakistan
Short brief history of Ghotki district of Sindh province of Pakistan

                   Ghotki is a district in Sindh province of Pakistan.
                 Ghotki was founded by an ambassador general of Raja Ibn Selaj Birhman (a relative of Raja Dahar of Sindh)in 637 A.D named Hath Sam who set up an army settlement/camp after defeating a Muslim Army of Arabia. The camp later assumed the shape of a village on 639 A.D when people of different tribes came to settle here. Two years later the people deserted this village and it again became a land of birds and animals. In year 695 A.D certain fishermen came here and settled and named the village as "Miani". But when the river changed its course the people left the village again to the mercy of jackals.
               In 712 A.D Mohammad Bin Qasim conquered the Sindh by defeating Raja Dahar. Ghot Ibn Samed Ibn Patel a Hindu born to a son of Raja Dahar was settled here. Ghot voluntarily and happily accepted the Islam on the hands of Arabs and married to a new Muslim -Emna according to Shariat-e-Mohammadi and gave birth to a baby boy Tameer from whom the Ghota tribe came into being. Arabs awarded many jagirs to Ghotas and named this village as "Dharwali" to honour their grandfather. Subsequently as the Ghotas progressed quantitatively and culturally the name of village was changed from Dharwali to Loh-e-Saheban when a Saint came from Bhaghdad whose name was Syed Mubarak Shah Jillani Baghdadi who married with the girl of Dhareja family the daughter of Adal Khan Dharejo and permantly settled here.  After the British conquest of Sindh province in 1847, they awarded huge blocks of irrigated, fertile land to the Ghotta tribal chieftains in return of their loyalty to the British. Gradually, the town's name changed into Ghotki (of Ghottas) in lieu of Loh-e-Saheban.
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