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Wednesday 29 January 2014

Loralai district of Balochistan (Pakistan)

Loralai district of Balochistan province of Pakistan
Short brief history of Loralai district of Balochistan (Pakistan)

             Loralai is a district in the centre of Balochistan province of Pakistan.
             In 1545 Duki, a dependency of the Kandahar province, was conferred upon Mir Sayyid Ali by the Mughal Emperor Humayun. The province of Kandahar continued under Mughals until the year 1559 when it passed into the hands of the Safavids Kings of Persia and remained under their control until 1595. In 1595 it was recaptured by Emperor Akbar the Great, during Akbar's reign the territory of Duki which was generally garrisoned, formed an eastern dependency of the Kandahar Province and provided a contingent of 500 horses and 1000 soldiers. In 1622 Kandahar again passed under the Safavids.
             Mir Wais Ghilzai or Khilji established Ghilzai/Khilji power in Kandahar around 1709. After 30 years of supremacy the Ghilzai/Khilji power gave way to Nadir Shah who captured after a severe struggle in 1737. However in 1747 Nadir Shah was assassinated and Ahmad Shah Durani took over the reign and Government. The Durranis were followed in about 1826 by the Barakzai under Dost Mohammad Khan. Almost the whole of Loralai District remained under this dynasty till 1879, in 1879 Duki and the Thal Chotiali country with other parts of Balochistan passed into the hands of the British.

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