Lahore city, capital of Punjab province of Pakistan
Shalimar Garden Lahore
Lake city Lahore
Lahore city, Pakistan
Short brief history of Lahore.
Short brief history of Lahore.
Lahore the second largest city of the Pakistan, covers thousand of years. Lahore is the capital of Punjab province of Pakistan. States the Lahore was named after Lava son of the Hindu god Rama. The Lahore has a Gujjar origin. Hieun Tsang the Chinese traveller who visited the Punjab in 630 AD. In 580 BC when King Bimbisara ruled South Asia the society came to be divided into different communities on the occupation.
Lahore was founded by an anicient Hindu colony between the first and seventh centuries. The first Muslim conquests Lahore was in possession of a Chiouhan Prince of the family of Ajmir. Lahore exposed position on the high road from Afghanistan to India. Where it remained untill the period of the Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi in the eleventh century, that the conqueror re-occupied the deserted city and established a garrison in a Fort.
In 1524 to 1752 Lahore was part of the Mughal Empire. The Mughals who were famous as builders. July 1799 the Sikh militia of the Sukerchakia Chief Ranjit Singh occupied and looted Lahore. The Badshahi mosque was taken over by the Sikhs and the Muslims were not prohibted to pray in the mosque. In 1849-1947 was British rule. Now tha Lahore is part of Pakistan and capital of Punjab province of Pakistan.

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