Out side of Peshawar Fort
University of Engineering and Tech. Peshawar
Peshawar Museum
Short brief history of Peshawar Fort.
Word histarian Dr. A.H.Dani in his book "Peshawar History of Frontier" writes that when Hiuen Tsang, a Chinese Travaller visited Peshawar in 630 AD, he spoke of :Royal Residence" Peshawar was the sumer capital of the Kingdom of Kabul and Bala Hissar Fort the residence of Afghan Kings.
Archival records show that soon after the occupation of Peshawar by the Sikhs in 1834. Sikhs Guru Nanak Dev, had visited Mount Sumer in the course of his travels. Hari Singh Nalwa installed a plaque over the gate of the fort that read. Ranjit Singh was visited the newly constructed fort the first time on 16 May 1835.
Peshawar has always been a strategic city and its capturing and ruling over it was of great importance for the invaders and Kings.

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