Multan city
Short brief of Multan city
Multan is the oldest city of the South Asia. Multan in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Multan city is called as Madina-tul-Olya in South Asia and Central Asia. Multan was ruled various Hindu and Budhist empires for over thousand years. Multan was tha capital of ancient Trigarta Kingdom.The noted Chinese traveller Huen Tsang visited Multan in 641. Multan was known as the city of gold for its large and wealthy temples.
In the 7th century, Multan had its first experience with the Muslim Armies. 200 year Multan was under the Mughal Empire with peace. Marhata rule in Multan was 1758-1759.
Khatri Muslims occupied intermittently between 1756-1763 displacing replacing ruling Sadozai member by Khakwani Nawab. After a long and bloody battle Multan was made part of British Raj. Muultan is historical city in the region.

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